Failure Frame episode 6 review

Failure Frame Episode 6 Review: Touka’s Ruthless Tactics and Seras’ Heart-Wrenching Past Steal the Spotlight

Last Updated on 9 August 2024 by Arman Deep Sharma

In episode 6 of Failure Frame, viewers are plunged deeper into the treacherous world of cunning tactics, raw power, and haunting pasts.

Released on August 8, 2024, this episode was anticipated for its promise to delve into the enigmatic Seras Ashrain’s backstory.

Fans were eager to uncover why this mysterious warrior was relentlessly pursued by the powerful forces of Neah.

While the episode delivers on this front, the true highlight lies in the masterful way it showcases Touka Mimori’s ruthless cunning—a quality that leaves both allies and enemies in awe.

Touka Mimori: The Master of Manipulation

Image by Seven Arcs, Synergy SP, Kaoru Shinozaki

The most captivating aspect of this episode is undoubtedly Touka’s encounter with Civit Gartland, the warrior hailed as Humanity’s Strongest.

In this tense confrontation, viewers witness the full extent of Touka’s evolution since his perilous journey through the Ruins of Disposal.

The episode opens with a nerve-wracking scene where Touka is cornered by Civit and his formidable allies.

However, what follows is a masterclass in psychological warfare.

Touka, faced with an enemy who could easily overpower him in sheer strength, begins to analyze the situation with a cold, calculating mind.

The subtlety of his thoughts is brilliantly captured as Civit, intrigued by Touka’s demeanor, begins to underestimate him—a mistake that proves fatal.

This interaction isn’t just a battle of words; it’s a strategic dance where every move Touka makes is a step toward his ultimate goal.

The dialogue between the two unfolds like a high-stakes game of chess, where Touka carefully crafts half-truths and misdirections.

He manipulates Civit into believing a fabricated identity, all the while biding his time to strike.

It’s a testament to how far Touka has come—not just in power, but in the art of manipulation.

The tension builds to a crescendo as Touka convinces Civit to let him and Seras go, promising a battle for another day.

However, the episode then pulls the rug out from under the audience by revealing Touka’s true plan: he had been luring Civit and his men into a trap all along.

This twist is not only exhilarating but also showcases Touka’s strategic genius.

The slow burn of the first two acts pays off in a thrilling, action-packed third act, where Touka’s true strength—his cunning—takes center stage.

The excitement is palpable as Touka unleashes a barrage of attacks, proving that in the world of Failure Frame, brains can outmatch brawn.

A Doctor Octopus-Like Power Boost: Touka’s New Abilities

Failure Frame episode 6 review
Image via Seven Arcs

The episode doesn’t just stop at showing Touka’s mental prowess; it also introduces a fascinating new element to his combat style.

After goading Civit and his men, Touka reveals a new power, one that’s as visually striking as it is effective.

Linking with Piggymaru, a creature that has been with him through thick and thin, Touka gains the ability to extend his limbs seemingly without limit, akin to the famous Marvel villain Doctor Octopus.

This power-up is a brilliant addition to the series’ combat dynamics.

While it could have easily tipped the scales too far in Touka’s favor, the showrunners skillfully balance it, ensuring that while Touka is formidable, he isn’t invincible.

The extended limbs add a layer of unpredictability to his fighting style, making his battles not just about brute force but also about tactical positioning and reach.

What’s more, this power-up feels earned.

Touka’s journey has been one of constant struggle and adaptation, and this new ability is a natural evolution of his character.

It’s a physical manifestation of the way he’s learned to extend his influence and control over situations that seem beyond his grasp.

This scene also sets the stage for future encounters, where Touka will likely have to rely on this newfound power to overcome even greater threats.

Seras Ashrain’s Tragic Past: A Glimpse into a Haunted Soul

While Touka’s machinations dominate the episode, Seras Ashrain’s backstory is another significant focus, providing a melancholic counterbalance to the action.

As the narrative slows down to delve into her past, viewers are introduced to the source of her pain and the reason behind her relentless flight from Neah.

The episode reveals that Seras was once the object of Emperor Ortola’s obsessive desire.

The emperor, unable to bear the thought of anyone else being with Seras, embarks on a mission to possess her entirely.

It’s a dark and disturbing revelation that adds layers to Seras’ character.

Her flight from Neah is not just a physical escape but an emotional one, as she runs from the clutches of a man who sees her as nothing more than a prize.

However, while this backstory provides necessary context for Seras’ current situation, it does feel somewhat shallow.

The episode scratches the surface of her pain but doesn’t fully explore the depths of her suffering or the complexity of her relationship with Ortola.

This is a missed opportunity, as Seras is a character brimming with potential for deeper narrative exploration.

The episode hints at more to come, but for now, viewers are left wanting more—a more profound understanding of the woman behind the warrior.

Civit Gartland: The Strength-Obsessed Foil

Civit Gartland, although a secondary character in this episode, plays a crucial role as the perfect foil to Touka.

His obsession with strength contrasts sharply with Touka’s reliance on wit and strategy.

Civit’s downfall is a direct result of this tunnel vision—he’s so consumed by the idea of overpowering his enemies that he fails to see the trap Touka is laying right before his eyes.

This dynamic between Civit and Touka is a fascinating exploration of the different paths to power.

Civit represents the traditional view of strength—might makes right—while Touka embodies a more modern, cerebral approach to conflict.

The episode subtly critiques Civit’s philosophy, showing that brute force, while powerful, is ultimately limited by its lack of foresight.

Touka’s victory is a clear indication that in the world of Failure Frame, those who adapt and think on their feet will ultimately prevail.

The Drawbacks: Shallow Backstory and Limited Plot Advancement

Despite its many strengths, episode 6 is not without its flaws.

The focus on Seras’ backstory, while important, feels somewhat underdeveloped.

The narrative spends a considerable amount of time setting up her tragic past, but it never quite delivers the emotional payoff that viewers might have expected.

There’s a sense that more could have been done to flesh out her character, particularly in how her past influences her present actions and decisions.

Additionally, the episode’s plot progression feels somewhat stalled.

While Touka’s confrontation with Civit is thrilling, it doesn’t move the overall story forward in a significant way.

The episode ends with Touka and Seras in much the same position as they were at the start—on the run, with powerful enemies still on their heels.

There’s a lingering question of what comes next, and the episode doesn’t provide many answers.

Final Words

In conclusion, episode 6 of Failure Frame is a thrilling, character-driven installment that showcases Touka Mimori at his most cunning and ruthless.

His manipulation of Civit Gartland is a standout moment in the series, cementing his status as a force to be reckoned with.

However, the episode’s underwhelming exploration of Seras Ashrain’s backstory and its limited plot advancement leave something to be desired.

Despite these shortcomings, the episode sets the stage for exciting developments in the coming episodes.

With the series approaching its midpoint, there’s a palpable sense that the stakes are about to be raised even higher.

Fans can look forward to seeing how Touka’s new abilities and Seras’ tragic past will shape the battles to come.

If the series can build on the momentum of this episode while addressing its narrative shortcomings, Failure Frame has the potential to deliver an unforgettable second half.