Tower of God season 2 episode 2 review: Continuously expanding cast lacks development as new artstyle continues missing spirit and flair

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 2 Review: An Uneven Journey of Character Focus and Artistic Challenges

Last Updated on 17 July 2024 by Arman Deep Sharma

As the second episode of Tower of God’s much-anticipated second season unfolds, fans are left with mixed emotions.

The series continues to grapple with balancing character development and the integration of a new art style.

While some aspects shine brightly, others fall short of expectations, leaving viewers yearning for the show to find its footing.

A Focused Spotlight on Bam

Tower of God season 2 episode 2 review: Continuously expanding cast lacks development as new artstyle continues missing spirit and flair
Image via The Answer Studio

One of the most commendable aspects of Tower of God Season 2 Episode 2 is its concentrated focus on the protagonist, Bam.

The episode opens with a poignant flashback to a conversation between Bam and Rachel.

This scene sets the tone for Bam’s subsequent actions, where he chooses to ascend the Tower alone, rejecting the 20th-floor testing group on the grounds that they are too weak.

However, it’s evident that his trauma plays a significant role in this decision.

The episode skillfully uses this setup to delve deeper into Bam’s character and motivations. Fans are introduced to a new, hardened Bam, a stark contrast to the kind-hearted boy they once knew.

His declaration of allegiance to the fearsome group Fug and his mission to kill Jahad and the Ten Great Families is both jarring and intriguing.

This transformation is a compelling development that keeps viewers engaged, eager to see how his journey will unfold.

Story Progression and Character Development

Bam’s new persona not only drives his personal narrative but also propels the overall story forward.

His goal to ascend the Tower and confront powerful enemies sets a clear, albeit ambitious, trajectory for the series.

This overarching mission promises to provide a cohesive thread that ties future episodes together, even as the series inevitably faces slower-paced moments.

The episode’s focus on Bam is executed with precision, ensuring he remains the central figure even as other characters momentarily take the spotlight.

This approach reinforces his role as the protagonist and offers hope that subsequent episodes will continue to build on this strong foundation.

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Introduction of New Characters

Despite these positives, Tower of God Season 2 Episode 2 struggles with its rapid introduction of new characters.

The influx of fresh faces is overwhelming, making it clear that some sort of culling is imminent.

While this narrative device partially justifies the sheer number of characters, it also highlights a significant flaw.

The character Nia exemplifies this issue.

Her interactions with Wangnan Ja suggest that she is being set up as a catalyst for his development, likely through her death.

However, the lack of substantial characterization makes it difficult for viewers to form an emotional connection with her.

Should she meet an untimely end, it’s uncertain whether her death will resonate meaningfully with the audience.

Art Style Challenges

Another persistent issue from the premiere is the new art style.

While clean and consistent, the animation lacks the unique flair and vibrant spirit that characterized the first season.

The characters’ movements and facial expressions are rendered in a generic fashion, stripping the series of its distinct visual identity.

The original art style was one of Tower of God’s most attractive features, blending seamlessly with the fantasy elements of the story.

The shift to a more generic aesthetic, necessitated by a change in studio, continues to be a contentious choice.

Fans miss the high-quality, inspired visuals that brought the fantastical settings, creatures, and powers to life.

Moving Forward: Hopes and Concerns

As Tower of God Season 2 progresses, addressing these issues will be crucial for the series’ success.

The upcoming “test” between Bam and Test Director Mule Love, presumably a combat encounter, might provide an opportunity to showcase the strengths of the new art style.

A dynamic, well-animated fight could help justify the visual changes and win over skeptical fans.

Thinning out the cast and focusing on developing the core characters will also be essential.

The series has the potential to craft a compelling narrative with a smaller, well-developed group of characters, rather than overwhelming viewers with a sprawling ensemble that lacks depth.

Final Words

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 2 is a mixed bag, offering a compelling focus on Bam but struggling with character overload and an uninspired art style.

The episode’s strengths lie in its narrative development and the intriguing transformation of Bam, which keep viewers invested in his journey.

However, the rapid introduction of new characters and the generic animation dampen the overall experience.

As the season continues, fans can only hope that these issues will be addressed, allowing the series to reach its full potential.

The foundation is there, with a strong protagonist and a clear narrative direction.

With careful execution and a focus on what made the first season beloved, Tower of God can once again climb to great heights.